I'm Emily, Nice to meet you!

Currently entering that "twenty-somethings" life phase where I'm beginning to figure out what I truly want to make of this life. I'm a natural born workaholic, which I inherited from my father. Now, I know the term workaholic is generally referred to negatively. To clarify, I consider it to be one of my strengths. I take great pride in my work and I work hard to see it through. But of course this mentality has downfalls too.

Something my father instilled in me from a young age, was how career choices should be made based on which will bring us joy instead of which offers a higher salary. I held onto this advice throughout my life and still do to this day.

And so, recently when I found myself grossly unhappy in a workplace I was completely invested in. Remember before when I mentioned being a workaholic has it's downfalls too? Unfortunately no matter how much I'd like to deny it, it's true. This characteristic can also make you prone to brining your work home with you, burnout, and insomnia. I finally acknowledged that a job, no matter how great, is worth subjecting yourself to mistreatment mentally or physically by your superiors.

I left my job with urgency and without another job lined up. In a (slight) panic, I instinctively called my dad. Somehow he always knows exactly what I need to hear and this time he didn't disappoint.

I won't get into specifics just for time's sake, but my dad gave me the little push I needed to make my passion projects, at which point were just my side hobbies, into something more.

In September of 2021, I announced the launch of my small business providing photography services for a demographic I know like the back of my hand, dogs & their owners! I truly could not have done it without the encouragement of those closest to me and the incredibly supportive reaction I've received since launching. 

So there you have it, the birth story of To The Moon Media. I'd love to share more details with you about me or you can just check out my social media!

with love,


make an inquiry for a photo session

Start your journey

Start your journey

Start your journey

To The Moon Media

To The Moon Media

To The Moon Media