February 25, 2022

What’s A Soul Mate?

Well, this is mine. The minute I set eyes on Falon (then Teagan)’s adoption picture, I had a gut feeling she was the one I had been searching for. But reading about her story is what really sealed the deal for me.
Falon and her litter mates were found stay on a reservation in the Dakotas. All 5 puppies were rescued and transported to MN, but soon after their arrival started showing symptoms of Distemper. This disease attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system with a 90% fatality rate. Distemper has been largely eradicated with vaccines but started to reemerge in 2020 while the world was in quarantine and vet clinics were less accessible. Especially in rural areas like Reservations where pop up vaccine clinics are crucial.
The disease took a hard toll on the puppies, 3 of them lost their lives. But after weeks of hospital care and endless amounts of love & support at home from their foster families, Falon and her brother Yukon pulled through. Finally they were given a clean bill of health and the chance to be adopted into a forever home.
Knowing Falon faced such a tough start to her life gives me purpose everyday to provide her the absolute best quality of life I can. Before I found her, I was struggling with the idea of trying to replace a piece of my heart that previously belonged to one special dog in my past. I scouted adopting listings for a long time because I had some big shoes to fill, so to speak, and I feared that I might never find the perfect fit again. My first meet & greet with Falon put all of those fears to bed. She is so different from dogs I’ve had in the past, but still so perfect for me in her own ways. My heart is full to see her happy and thriving in her life today and I’m so grateful to all of those involved in her rescue that made it possible for us to meet.

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with love,

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